====== La Cubieboard ====== Basée sur un A10 , 1Ghz, 4Go de NAND, 512 Mo de RAM ... mieux que Beagleboard pour ...50€ **http://docs.cubieboard.org/tutorials/dvk521/start** * http://cubieboard.org/ * http://linux-sunxi.org/Cubieboard * http://linux-sunxi.org/Cubieboard/Cubieboard_Linux-3.9 * http://www.cnx-software.com/2012/12/09/cubieboard-unboxing-and-quick-start-guide/ * https://shop.klingler.net/product-details.php?productid=10041 * http://www.watterott.com/en/Cubieboard * http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/cubieboard-p-1404.html * https://github.com/cnvogelg/raspi/blob/master/doc/cubie.txt * http://www.atyu30.com/index.php?title=Ubuntu_On_CubieBoard * http://www.cubieforums.com/index.php?topic=72.0 * http://dl.cubieforums.com/loz/ * http://www.cubieforums.com/index.php/topic,442.0.html Avant tout , je trouve un fonctionnement curieux. Si apres tout un tas de manip on arrive a un blocage au boot apres la ligne 'flash..' et que rien n'y fait ( enfin, je n'ai pas trouvé, plusieurs u-boot,script.bin etc), une chose extraordinaire se passe après un certain temps sans rien faire sur la carte .. le boot refonctionne. franchement c'est tres chiant. Je mets en dessous la trace d'u-boot revenue la miraculeusement après une nuit de sommeil. HELLO! BOOT0 is starting! boot0 version : 1.5.1 dram size =1024 Succeed in opening nand flash. Succeed in reading Boot1 file head. The size of Boot1 is 0x0003c000. The file stored in 0X00000000 of block 2 is perfect. Check is correct. Ready to disable icache. Succeed in loading Boot1. Jump to Boot1. [ 0.133] boot1 version : 1.4.0 [ 0.133] pmu type = 3 [ 0.135] bat vol = 0 [ 0.161] axi:ahb:apb=3:2:2 [ 0.161] set dcdc2=1400, clock=1008 successed [ 0.163] key [ 0.175] no key found [ 0.175] flash init start [ 2.289] flash init finish [ 2.290] fs init ok [ 2.291] fattype FAT12 [ 2.291] fs mount ok [ 2.298] script finish [ 2.299] power finish [ 2.306] BootMain start [ 2.306] 0 [ 2.341] key value = 0 [ 2.341] recovery key high 6, low 4 [ 2.341] unable to find fastboot_key key_max value [ 2.349] test for multi os boot with display [ 2.351] logo name is invalid or dont need show logo [ 2.356] load kernel start [ 2.383] load kernel successed [ 2.383] start address = 0x4a000000 [ 2.385] jump to U-Boot 2013.01-05530-g8843079-dirty (Feb 04 2013 - 02:41:41) Allwinner Technology Board: Cubieboard I2C: ready DRAM: 1 GiB NAND: 0 MiB MMC: SUNXI SD/MMC: 0 MMC init failed Using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: wemac Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 sun4i#printenv baudrate=115200 boot_nand=ext4load nand 1:0 0x48000000 /boot${kernel} && bootm 0x48000000 bootcmd=if run loadbootenv; then echo Loaded environment from ${bootenv};env import -t ${scriptaddr} ${filesize};fi;if test -n ${uenvcmd}; then echo Running uenvcmd ...;run uenvcmd;fi;if run loadbootscr; then echo Jumping to ${bootscr};source ${scriptaddr};fi;run setargs boot_nand; bootdelay=3 bootenv=/uEnv.txt bootscr=/boot.scr console=ttyS0,115200 ethact=wemac kernel=/uImage loadbootenv=ext4load nand 1:0 $scriptaddr /boot${bootenv} || fatload nand 0:0 $scriptaddr ${bootenv} loadbootscr=ext4load nand 1:0 $scriptaddr /boot${bootscr} || fatload nand 0:0 $scriptaddr ${bootscr} loglevel=8 panicarg=panic=10 root=/dev/nandb rootwait scriptaddr=0x44000000 setargs=setenv bootargs console=${console} root=${root} loglevel=${loglevel} ${panicarg} ${extraargs} stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial Environment size: 930/131068 bytes sun4i# à noter que les autre u-boot que j'avais n'implémentait pas ext4load, ce qui explique juste le blocage. Bref recup d'une wheezy : http://cubian.org/downloads/ après boot login username et password : cubie sudo ~/nandinstall/install.sh ou apt-get install cubian-nandinstall sudo cubian-nandinstall Add GPG key wget -O - http://packages.cubian.org/cubian.gpg.key apt-key add - ajouter deb http://packages.cubian.org/ wheezy main puis apt-get update Resizing the partition (Remember this must only be done from a live"SD") cubian-resizefs /dev/nandd sinon **Installation sur la flash** récuperer http://dl.cubieforums.com/loz/boot_partition/bootloader/cubie_nand_uboot_partition_image.bin sur une clé #axel http://dl.cubieforums.com/loz/boot_partition/bootloader/cubie_nand_uboot_partition_image.bin dd if=cubie_nand_uboot_partition_image.bin of=/dev/nand bs=4096 sync #attendre 1 min #format the nandb partition as ext4 mkfs.ext4 /dev/nandb mount /dev/nandb /mnt # copie rootfs rsync -avc --exclude-from=/excludefile / /mnt mkdir /tmp/boot mount /dev/mmc0blk0p1 /tmp/boot #make a boot folder on our nandb mkdir /mnt/boot cp /tmp/boot/uImage /mnt/boot/uImage #ssh key cd /etc/ssh ssh-keygen -t rsa1 -f ssh_host_key -N "" ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ssh_host_rsa_key -N "" ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ssh_host_dsa_key -N "" umount /mnt umount /tmp/boot sync une fois installé * https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi * http://linux-sunxi.org/Building_on_Debian ===== refaire le kernel ===== Départ de la debian armhf apt-get install uboot-mkimage libncurses5-dev {{:cubieboard:config-cubie.txt|}} make uImage modules restera a recopier le kernel et les modules cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /boot mkdir -p ../modules rm -rf ../modules/* make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../modules/ cd ../modules tar cvfz modules.tgz * cd / #tar xvfz ... ===== GPIO ===== * http://docs.cubieboard.org/products/a10_cubieboard/expansion_ports * FEX , cf [[http://linux-sunxi.org/Fex_Guide#12.1_.5Bdisp_init.5D| Fex Guide sur linux-sunxi]] * permet de configurer les GPIO au boot * modifiable par bin2fex et fex2bin dans /boot * [[https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-boards/blob/master/sys_config/a10/cubieboard.fex]] * git https://github.com/linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools/ * cd /boot;bin2fex script.bin script.txt; ## bin2fex script.txt script.bin * SERIE , sur le connexteur central **ATTENTION : NE PAS CONNECTER LE V+ !** * cf : [[http://linux-sunxi.org/Cubieboard/TTL]] 115200 8N1 bauds * SERIE UART 5 ET 6 * connecteur 1 -coté sata (on change l'affectation TP-Y pour de la UAR), broche * 33 YP_TP (TP-Y1) * 34 XP_TP (TP-X1) * 35 YN_TP (TP-Y2) * 36 XN_TP (TP-X2) * [uart_para4] uart_used = 1 uart_port = 4 uart_type = 2 uart_tx = port:YP_TP<4><1> uart_rx = port:YN_TP<4><1> [uart_para5] uart_used = 1 uart_port = 5 uart_type = 2 uart_tx = port:XP_TP<4><1> uart_rx = port:XN_TP<4><1> * I2C , i2c-detect donne 3 port utilisables (TWI) * pin 6 du connecteur cote réseau: PB18 (TWI1-SCK) * pin 7 : PB19 (TWI1-SDA) * script.txt: [twi0_para] twi0_used = 1 twi0_scl = port:PB00<2> twi0_sda = port:PB01<2> # pas visibles [twi1_para] twi1_used = 1 twi1_scl = port:PB18<2> twi1_sda = port:PB19<2> # broches 2 : 6 et 7 [twi2_para] twi2_used = 1 twi2_scl = port:PB20<2> twi2_sda = port:PB21<2> # pas visibles * SPI [spi0_para] spi_used = 1 spi_cs_bitmap = 1 spi_cs0 = port:PI10<3> spi_sclk = port:PI11<3> spi_mosi = port:PI12<3> spi_miso = port:PI13<3> * 45 PI10 (SPI0-CS/UART5-TX/EINT22) * 46 PI12 (SPI0-MOSI/UART6-TX/EINT24) * 47 PI11 (SPI0-CLK/UART5-RX/EINT23) * 48 PI13 (SPI0-MISO/UART6-RX/EINT25) * 7 pins pour IRQ PH7, PH14, PH15, PI10, PI11, PI12 and PI13 http://quick2wire.com/articles/how-to-add-quick2wire-as-a-raspbian-software-source/ ===== les 2 LEDS ===== de :http://linux-sunxi.org/Cubieboard/Programming/StatusLEDs echo 255 > /sys/class/leds/blue\:ph21\:led2/brightness echo timer > /sys/class/leds/blue\:ph21\:led2/trigger echo mmc0 > /sys/class/leds/blue\:ph21\:led2/trigger echo heartbeat > /sys/class/leds/blue\:ph21\:led2/trigger cat /sys/class/leds/blue\:ph21\:led2/trigger pour les infos sur la cubian un simple python script to turn on an LED on Pin 61 # Pin 61 is PI13 (Port I, 201+13) = gpio214 int gpio = 214 #export the pin f= open ('/sys/class/gpio/export','w') f.write(str(gpio)) f.close() # Set the direction path = '/sys/class/gpio/gpio' + gpio + '/direction' f= open (path,'w') f.write('out') f.close() #write '1' to the pin value path = '/sys/class/gpio/gpio' + gpio + '/value' f= open (path,'w') f.write('1') f.close() ===== boot partout ===== bootcmd=nfs 0x43000000; nfs 0x48000000; bootm 0x48000000 * http://linux-sunxi.org/How_to_boot_the_A10_over_the_network ===== Trucs qui marchent ===== * jack2 {{:cubieboard:jack-1.9.9.tar.bz2|}} attention a supprimer TOUT les lib*jack* faire un //find /usr -name "*jack*"// avant pour les trouver. Installation par //./waf install// * {{:cubieboard:pd-0.44.0-extended-20130522.deb|pd-0.44.0-extended-20130522.deb}} compilé sur la cubie * chmod 4755 /usr/bin/pd-extended * apt-get install fake-hwclock faire le crontab a * * * * * ===== en commandes groupées ===== http://www.watterott.com/en/Power-Supply-5V-3A ? a voir * Alain * Antoine V * Antoine T *Ben * Antoën